Resistance Juggernaut

And a final behemoth, the somewhat maligned Resistance one. One of the big complaints I’ve seen has been about the downward dog-esque pose the ‘default’ pose has, a result of…

Swift Towers

I decided to spruce up the scenery reserve that much more with another entry by The Lazy Forger’s excellent line of 6mm (upscaled to 10) terrain. The guard and radio…

Shaltari Starter

Decided I should finally turn my assorted Shaltari things into a usable army, and picked up their starter. Just a few quick pictures of the set done. I didn’t bother…

Highway and Warstriders

I’ve had my eye on the roads from Blotz for some time, but never could justify paying the shipping when the only mat I had for Dropzone already had roads…


To add some much needed blocking/definition/realism/whatever to the table, I dug up one scenery kit that had been long neglected and ignored after an unfavorable test assembly. 4ground fences! As…

Spring Varroa and AFB Check

It’s mid-spring, and time to treat the growing colony for mites. I hoped to do a more thorough inspection, but the bees had an alternate plan. They had built a…