Only a short post at the moment. Going to just let the video speak for itself right now; I’d like to sit down and do a proper write up some time next week for Dropfleet 2.0 once I have some time to go over it more thoroughly. Hopefully after a post-release FAQ/errata comes out, since naturally there’s already some phrasing questions.
As can be seen above, ended up deciding to get Shaltari expanded into Dropfleet as well. I did finish up what I wanted from Dropzone as well first!

Tried out doing a dark purple with a gloss finish on the Orbz of the Ion Spire, but it came out too dark. Might try an orange next instead, although I’m afraid of looking too Halloween themed with the green and brown already present.

Wasn’t really sure how to build the flyers, so I just went with the Disintegrator weapons as they looked more distinct than just another Gauss weapon. Frostdrake over Firedrake, as while the Firedrake does satisfy my desire to have heavy armed transports not just be a regular transport with a gun glued to it, I figured I’d use the commander version more. And it’s more visually distinct with the far too large gun on it.

Subjecting myself to dot-painting torture. The annoying thing about it is that while you can’t really see all the tiny dots that much on the table, you can definitely tell when they’re not painted, so it has to be done. I had actually at long last cleared out the painting queue before dumping a giant resin and plastic shit back into it. Honestly though, the dots actually go by quicker than you’d think, just need to do them in small batches to keep from being overwhelmed.